New Media In Foreign Language Education

How to Solve an Internet-Task in a Construcivist Way?

        Constructivism is based on the theory, that humans generate knowledge and meaning from their own experience. According to this, individuals do learn by the processes of assimilation and accommodation – they create new knowledge by using these two mechanisms. In this meaning, assimilation can be understood as the technique to incorporate a new experience in an already existing framework without changing this framework. Accommodation can be understood as the technique in which failure leads to new knowledge. By failing the task, te individual gets to know, that his way was not the appropriate one to solve the task. The individual gets new experience and therefore new knowledge by the process of elimination. Assuming to that basic idea, it is possible to answer the question, why there is no generally accepted computer software supporting this learning theory. The tasks, the individuals are assigned with, are problem based and their task is to solve this problem. According to the theory of constructivism, the solving has to be done single handed and in a way which includes already existing knowledge. So the individuals have to use their own way to solve the task and therefore they must have the freedom to use, for example, the search engine they know and they want to use to get the information they need. The whole internet is the one and only appropriate “software” to solve a problem based task in a constructivist way.